Short construction period and committed construction supervision go easy on the budget and help to keep one’s nerve
From the first excavation until milking the first cow in the new parlour it only took 81 days. As a result we could make use of the investment pretty fast. Intensive construction management by InnovationsTeam allowed the client to focus solely on managing the dairy. There was no need to invest valuable time in construction oversight. (Uwe zum Felde, Ahlerstedt/Lower Saxony)
The InnovationsTeam oversees that the contract time for completion is matching the actual construction time. The contract specialists (i.e. concrete, electrical, plumbing, etc.) will overlap during the construction process. That means that a thorough and organized schedule of all parties involved helps to minimize the construction period. Weekly meetings organized by the InnovationsTeam with all companies involved in the project serve the need of coordination and control.