Cow Comfort is the foundation of each design – After 15 years of persuasion cow comfort has gained acceptance.
Only with a high standard of bedding comfort, a lot of fresh air (proper ventilation) and easy access to feed and water will cows thrive and be able to produce high milk yields. In addition to high production it is important to minimize cow injuries. All of this will lead to enhanced longevity which has a large impact on the overall profitability of the dairy.
(Christiane Brandes, InnovationsTeam)

Feedbunk management has to be easy

Optimum water supply with tip-over waterers

Easy access to feed drives higher production
Progressive dairy construction should focus on the natural requirements and behaviour patterns of cows to ensure that cow and young stock comfort is maximized at all times.
The ABCs of cow management are: A= Air, B=Bunk, C= Cow Comfort
Cows require fresh air in the barn and constant air exchange. This leads to improved animal health and will result in increased milk production.
Wide cow and feed alleys guarantee unhindered access of the animals to feed and water.
Cows should rest more than 12 hours on comfortable bedding every day.
Cows like conditions in the barn similar to pasture: soft, dry and with a lot of fresh air. The softer the bedding the longer the cows resting time will be. This issue has definite priority when choosing what kind of stall and bedding should be used. Building a progressive dairy facility for the future means to produce an environment that minimizes stress and maximizes cow comfort combined with efficient labour management. Christiane Brandes has introduced “cow comfort” in Germany and this is the primary focus of every InnovationsTeam project.
Text: Christiane Brandes

Conditions similar to pasture: light, air and comfortable

Resting cows are productive cows